Make Your Goals with ManageSite

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Virtualize your infrastructure using the automatic discovery and intelligent imaging and provisioning of ManageSite™. Automate the provisioning, monitoring and management of your Linux and Windows x86 servers and workstations today! You'll benefit from:

  • Automatic discovery and continuous updating of the inventory of your hardware, configurations and software
  • Efficient management of your remote heterogeneous infrastructure, regardless of your physical location
  • Effective performance in all IT operations, even if starting without a functioning operating system
  • Automation of your data center operations through schedule- and policy-based management
  • Grouping your servers and workstations so that they virtually map to your responsibilities, customers and locations
  • A single, integrated SQL database to analyze system information and scheduled and historic activity
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What's new?

"ManageSite software is integrated to provide the system with policy-based automated provisioning and hardware monitoring."

"Nearly 45 percent of chief information officers told Forrester Research that IT spending at their companies will exceed this year's budget, or that they expect to find new sources of funding." See Tech Republic's coverage of the Forrester CIO Poll.

Do you want to understand how IPMI helps with systems management? This VARBusiness article will inform you. NEW!

Let ManageSite help you meet your performance and cost goals

Heterogeneous environments include various models of workstations and servers from different vendors, a variety of operating systems and even different server form factors, like the newer blade servers. ManageSite provisions, manages and monitors X86-based infrastructure running Linux or Windows. When you need devices that were running one operating system to run another, ManageSite will handle that for you.

Bare-metal hardware may be new, with the operating system not yet loaded. Or it may be a device with a non-functional or "hung" operating system. Regardless of why your metal is bare, ManageSite can discover it, send the appropriate image to it, and get it running for you. Whether you're local or remote to the hardware, let ManageSite handle your bare metal.

ManageSite easily uses the IPMI capabilities, as well as other interfaces, to manage the hardware.

IT managers and IT administrators often have to perform the same task routinely, device by device. Grouping of devices saves time, cost and repetition, allowing management by hardware groups based on the business. Multicast or even broadcast is used to have a single task applied to a whole group once, rather than to each device individually.

ManageSite uses the hardware identification information it automatically discovers to allow provisioning of each image to appropriate hardware only.

SSL security, four levels of administrative users, and personalization of each user's assigned tasks and permissions assure that sharing the IT operations work is safe.